Brookings policy piece on Workforce Ecosystems and AI covered in Bloomberg. “Your boss is obsessed with productivity without knowing what it means," interview at VOX. 2021
"The Collective Intelligence of Remote Teams," MIT Sloan Management Review “The Art Market Often Works in Secret. Here’s a Look Inside.,” The New York Times. 2020
“Zoom calls can be too formal. These alternatives encourage casual chatting,” Fast Company. “App developed at MIT, Northeastern looks to connect strangers via video chat," Boston Globe. “Remote workers want to re-create those watercooler moments, virtually," MIT Technology Review. “Remote Work Is Here to Stay. Bosses Better Adjust," Wall Street Journal. “Water cooler moments don’t have to disappear in the virtual workplace," Quartz. “Could A Smart Device Catch Implicit Bias In The Workplace?,” News@Northeastern. “5 ways managers can adapt to the work-from-home-force," Business Insider. “How the best remote teams communicate," Quartz. |
“Working from home doesn’t kill collaboration," LinkedIn Daily Rundown. “The Surprising Formula for Becoming an Art Star," Wall Street Journal. “To get to the top of the art world, start there in the first place," The Economist. “In Art, Who You Know Pays Off More Than Hard Work," Bloomberg. “How to be a Successful Artist, According to Science," Newsweek. “The secret to becoming a successful artist now," Quartz. “Viel Sonne und wenig Sorgen," Zeit Online. Want to be a Successful Artist? You'll Need the Right Social Connections, Study Says,” wbur90.9. “For artists, success really does depend on who, not what, you know," Cosmos Magazine. “Moneyball for the Art World," ArtNews. “What’s the Secret to Making It as an Artist?" ArtNet. “In art, success depends on who you know," The Japan Times. “Why there are no more von Goghs," News@Northeastern. ED WorkLife with Adam Grant, Episode on Creativity. |
“The Four-Letter Code to Selling Just About Anything," The Atlantic. “Most people are secretly threatened by creativity," Quartz. “Most in the Workplace Are Secretly Threatened By Creativity," Government Executive. “Highly novel research proposals ‘being systematically rejected," Times Higher Education. “Out of the box ideas are a hard sell for most innovators," The Current. |